How to Make Adult Films, Videos or Adult Websites
Did you know that if you are not using my legal method for interviewing adult models that you could be arrested....Adult Film Attorney A.J. Comparetto is holding a FREE Web Seminar that will teach you the legally correct method for interviewing potential adult film stars so you avoid legal problems....
From: A.J. Comparetto, Esq.Tuesday 9:32 P.M.
Dear Friend,
I want you to imagine yourself interviewing one of the hottest, sexiest porn stars you could imagine....who wants to star in the adult film you are getting ready to shoot. You are having a hard time asking the interview questions as you look at this sexy thing....You can't believe your luck.
Not to long ago you dreamed of filming super hot women (or men if that is what turns you on) in super hot sex scenes. Now you are interviewing the girl of your dreams and she is hanging on your every word. You quickly ask her the question...."will she star in your upcoming film." She parts her wet lips, her chest slightly heaves as these words come out of your mouth.
- "You are under arrest for solicitation of prostitution"...
- "You have the right to remain silent"...
- "You have the right to an attorney"....
Your fantasy is shattered because you did not understand that interviewing models for adult films is a legal event that can get you arrested. Your adult film career is over before it has even started.
Now if you think this is a "made up story" or some fanciful concoction you need to think again. Just three months ago, I was speaking with a new adult filmmaker who said he had been "set up" and arrested in this very scenario.Sadly, I told him that if he had followed my simple method of legally interviewing adult models and actresses that he could have prevented his arrest.
Remember, you can have a great biz and make one legal mistake and in a flash you are in jail and your money is gone. You must stay 1000% compliant with all laws to run a successful adult film business.
Next week, I will be doing a FREE web-seminar on:
Here is how you can attend this important FREE web-seminar:
1 - A web-seminar is a private, password protected seminar that you can attend from the privacy of your own home on your computer or even your telephone. Very convenient, very easy and very informative.
2 - To attend you have to go to You will need to register with your name and email and we will send you a passcode by email. We will also send you our FREE Adult Filmmaking Legal Newsletter. Really, if you are serious about the biz you need to be getting this information every single month...without fail.
Dedicated to helping you succeed in the biz,
P.S. If you know that you want to be in this business you can also call us direct at 727-328-7900
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