Adult Film Making

The Law of Adult Film Making

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Adult Filmmaking One small mistake can cost you big.

One small mistake can cost you big.

This past week I was in Wildwood Florida where cops busted an
adult film store. This store owner is going to be fuming mad
at the filmmakers who sold them these adult films...

Why you ask?

Because they did not properly label the adult films
that they sold the adult store.

Do you think he is going to buy from those filmmakers again?

If you want to learn how to do things the right way in this biz..(so you
stay out of jail and trouble) you should come to our Adult Film Mini-
Bootcamp. Here is the link:

Click Here for the Adult Filmmaking Boot-Camp

Look forward to working with you in the future.

A.J. Comparetto

P.S. Be a Player Not a Talker....