Adult Film Making

The Law of Adult Film Making

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How Much Does a Porn Business or Adult Entertainment Business Make - Are they still profitable?

A recent question was asked at one of our sister websites  The questions asked and answered is:

How much money can I make by starting an porn or adult entertainment business? 

The article hi-lights some of the porn business models that seem to be working today. Click here to get the full story

A.J. Comparetto, Esq. 

Monday, July 08, 2013

How To Make Adult Movies

Every day we receive emails, calls, faxes and sometimes even old fashioned mailed letters asking about filming adult movies.  Most are from people who want to be actors....sadly that is the hardest way of getting into the business and often the least financially satisfying.

My answer is simple and always the same - if you want to really get in the adult industry the best way is to hire yourself.  Click this link to read an article from our sister website on getting started in adult movies and adult websites.
